Leaky gut syndrome is a painful condition. Learn to start with this question first, the intestinal permeability in relation to the physician. Leaky gut refers to a state in which the lining of the gut is damaged. The damage causes less protective layer to protect the inner surface of the intestine. Intestines have a certain degree of permeability of the essential elements as nutrients for absorption. For example, the damaged intestinal mucosa causes chronic changes. Thus, the filtering of organic nutrients and substances that. By the intestine, is not perfectly flat, so that bacteria and toxins caused by
If waste is generally not absorbed passes into the intestine, you can begin to penetrate into the bloodstream. When this happens, an autoimmune response is triggered, leading to a variety of gastrointestinal problems that do not want to know.
Let me be clear, Leaky Gut Syndrome may not seem like much, but there are serious risks associated with the disease. Not to mention the huge amount of complaints that the person to go through.
Here is why it is so important to this state seriously, leaky gut may trigger or worsen slightly different diseases. Diseases such as celiac disease, including Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis in the list. Inflammatory bowel syndrome is usually the norm for people who suffer from intestinal permeability.
The following six tips can be useful to help fight and cure Leaky Gut Syndrome:
1. Healing the Herbal Way
Leaky gut syndrome is often not considered a real disease, but doctors are alternative beats faster to recognize the problem. While most herbs are not harmful, it is recommended that a licensed physician no alternative recipe. Here are some plants that are typically used to cure intestinal leakage.
Peppermint tea is a simple and effective way to relieve the problems of intestinal permeability. It acts on the stomach, intestines get rid of bacteria and toxins, soothe and promote the secretion of bile. Pass through the release of the intestines of harmful bacteria into the bloodstream, the probability of infection is low. Peppermint oil capsules also believed to help.
Olmo is mainly used in preparations to treat burns, wounds, and various skin inflammation. But as an oral supplement that helps soothe inflamed intestine made. This is possible because the elm is mixed with water a gel-like substance that lines the intestine. In addition, the antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in elm.
Chamomile is another effective way to treat leaky gut syndrome. It has properties that help relieve bloating, pain, cramps and bloating. Tea is a natural sedative, relieves symptoms of intestinal permeability to relieve stress. Anxiety and stomach pain often go hand in hand, the shear stress is a method of healing.
2. Let Natural Antibiotics Work
There are too many ingredients in the foods consumed today, the serious harm to the intestinal mucosa. Like what you ask surprised - how food can be bad for you? Most people are not aware that refined sugar and carbohydrates in some foods provide an excellent fuel for micro-organisms such as yeast. There is a whole list of foods that completely strip essential nutrients and vitamins from the food we eat. For example, smoked foods, especially meats such as bacon, cold cuts, canned meats and canned foods, pickled foods and moldy food.
Natural antibiotics are found in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds and legumes, found among other things that provide a lot of fiber. Fiber is the secret ingredient is necessary to cleanse the colon and eliminate harmful microorganisms. If it remains in the intestine, they begin to destroy the intestinal mucosa.
To prevent some of the best natural antibiotics foods and herbs that help and heal leaky gut can include: raw garlic, onions, leeks, radish, ginger, fenugreek and cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Yeast kill parasites and bacteria growing in the intestines and intestinal permeability dissolved problem.
3. Molten Rock
Poor nutrition and insufficient water consumption is often the cause of many diseases of the stomach, which in turn leads to other serious health problems. Leaky gut syndrome include bloating, flatulence, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease among others. With the improvement of bowel function, most of these problems disappear. If left unattended, these problems lead to leaky gut syndrome. One of the easiest and most effective cure for leaky gut syndrome is to drink plenty of water. Here's how it works in the simplest form. Bowel diseases cause chronic dehydration, which in turn related to the hardening temperature and waste. Next step, the bacteria comes out to play and finally stir in the intestinal mucosa. Not hard to guess what the next step is - the Leaky Gut Syndrome!
At least two liters of water every day should be consumed to relieve intestinal problems. People with severe inflammation irritable bowel syndrome Leaky Gut would do well to drink three liters of water per day.
Water is the healthiest source to prevent or cure the leaky gut syndrome. Cut out sodas, caffeine, sugary drinks and alcohol very - Drink water if necessary to quench the thirst. This is really the first step to say goodbye to leaky gut syndrome.
4. Renew Eating Habits
A healthy diet equal a healthy body and obviously a poor diet as many headaches. Doctors and nutritionists recommend that the average human diet should contain thirty to forty percent of raw fruits and vegetables. Many fibers and avoiding certain things that are beautiful, but absolutely harmful for health. What are these things? Some examples are stomach irritants such as excessive alcohol and caffeine, smoking and a diet high gluten. The benefits of eating a raw food diet is the body with antibiotics, enzymes and phytochemicals live not good to fight against the bad microorganisms, improve digestion and heal the problems of intestinal permeability provide.
Some ways to improve digestion improve the absorption of nutrients from food by chewing slowly and carefully. Avoid eating in a hurry or when you are stressed. Take in small quantities at a time instead of heaping tablespoons. Avoid eating excessive consumption of water or other liquids. Fluids to help dilute essential digestive juices needed to digest food properly. Try to eat small meals four or five times a day instead of the big three.
5. Improve The Integrity Of The Intestinal Wall
Treatment altered permeability or damage to the intestinal wall is essential to heal the leaky gut syndrome. It has been previously mentioned, and the greatest damage to the intestinal wall will be the shorter of inflammation problems and diseases of the bowel back. Correct the problem is not difficult when you are done without delay and laziness. There are various natural therapeutic substances such as herbs and natural antibiotics found in some foods contain. These may be used to reconstruct the damaged intestinal mucosa and its own original correct state permeability.
One way that Leaky Gut Syndrome is to heal, to increase the population in the intestines of healthy microorganisms. The first step is to know exactly what the fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites have taken residence in the intestine. This requires examination and treatment by a physician. Only then can begin to build healthy population of bacteria.
Is a term used probiotic refers to microorganisms that are consumed in sufficient quantity should provide healthy bacteria live. You can obtain the required probiotic bacteria by eating fermented foods such as some yogurt. Dietary supplements are also available to promote intestinal health.
6. The Combined Forces Of Ginger And Garlic
Ginger and garlic are natural ingredients. They are a gift of nature with the power to heal the leaky gut syndrome. Fresh garlic is rich in natural antioxidants is known to have healing qualities. For example, helps to stimulate the immune system, reduce the risk of heart disease and even suppress tumor growth.
How Garlic has been used successfully to heal leaky gut? Garlic has properties that the stomach bacteria (flora), to compensate for a healthy colon. Removes all fungal growth and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Crunchy do two cloves of fresh garlic each day miracle for people with the disease leaky gut.
Ginger oil is a natural food that brings with it its healing properties. To begin, it is useful in fighting causes inflammation in the intestinal tract of intestinal permeability, among others. Ginger rewarding quality is that no side effects. Specifically, in the case of leaky gut syndrome, reduced its use of irritation due to the lack of side effects associated with natural diet. Ginger antioxidants make it a useful component in the treatment of various health disorders. Like garlic, chew a small piece every day give good results.
With all the health problems that run today, we absolutely need to know what to keep in mind with the affairs of intestinal permeability. The leaky gut syndrome is caused in the gastrointestinal tract, but is not limited to this area of the body. You can go to other organs and cause a variety of health problems. Although each patient is unique, with its anatomy and symptoms vary from patient to patient, experts have identified some of the common symptoms that patients may include:
• can digestive problems, bloating, constipation, bloating and diarrhea, heartburn, include gum disease
• irritability, anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, confusion, headache, depression
• Multiple allergies and rashes
• Decreased absorption of nutrients caused by the disease can lead to malnutrition and other health problems
Here a few things to keep in mind to are not leaky gut syndrome are firstly:
• intestinal irritants such as smoking, excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol
• Pay attention to bacterial or parasitic fungus
• Some antibiotics and analgesics
• Contaminated food does not allow the heart to throw
• Foods high in sugar and low-fiber diet
• vitamin deficiency
• Gastrointestinal intolerance like lactose intolerance
Understand that chronic diseases, poor hygiene and other health problems all relate to one thing and one thing only - shakes the balance of the body is important. When the body is out of balance, the basic rule is to first restore the natural balance of the body before moving on to what is missing to discover the patient. In this case, the disease can not continue to be successful, it would be obvious to escape!
With Leaky Gut Syndrome can run the first available doctor will not be the answer to the search for pills. Reconstruction of essential cells in the body is getting rid of the basic principle of the problem. You can identify the cause of intestinal permeability, yeast, food allergies, parasites, candida or common medications such as NSAIDs have, among other things, in the first place.
Nutrition and healthy eating are, every day, the body needs the right kind of food to keep the body well nourished and healthy to the attacks, survive as leaky gut syndrome. Apart from the choice of an appropriate life is also important. It can be useful to avoid certain habits such as alcohol or tobacco. Supplements are not completely out of the list, but you must understand that they are only meant to improve the diet and do not provide adequate nutrition.
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