Thursday, December 11, 2014

How to Test for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Ever thought of what the food we eat does to our body? Many think it gives us a lot of strength and makes us healthy.
True, but the real fact is that only good food can keep us healthy and in the right condition.
Poor eating habits and the wrong food can take a toll on the digestive system and you need to spend lot of money treating it. Out of all these disorders our body can face, a leaky gut can be extremely irritating and if it is not treated in time it can get serious.
Our intestines do the job of filtering food and toxins and it prevents the penetration of harmful toxins in to our blood stream. A leaky gut cannot perform its duty and it allows all toxins to enter in to the circulatory system.
That is when the real trouble starts. But a common gastric trouble and a leaky gut have similar symptoms and it is very difficult to differentiate and diagnose.
There are many Leaky gut tests that reveal if you are affected by the leaky gut syndrome or not. They are not accurate but can give you an indication of the condition of your gut.
The first kind of a test is a skin test in which a few kinds of foods are put on your skin and the reactions are observed. People who are allergic to foods are usually the ones who contract the leaky gut syndrome and the food will show you if you are allergic. If the skin remains normal, then you can relax but if it shows reactions and if you find rashes or allergy then you need to see a doctor.
The leaky gut tests are done in medical labs under the supervision of a medical laboratory assistant or a doctor. The intestinal permeability test is taken by a technician and before you give your urine samples, you need to fast for over 8hrs and then take the test.
This popular test is done on the basis of lactulose and mannitol absorption. A healthy and a clean gut usually absorbs the mannitol and it flushes out all the lactulose content. But a leaky gut will take in lactulose and leave the mannitol content in to the body.
Out of the many leaky gut tests, this is the most accurate of all and it can prove that you are affected by leaky gut syndrome. The test should be done under the guidance of a technician or a doctor but there are kits available also. If you are confident about using them, you can proceed with the test.
Another one is the stool analysis where your stool is collected by a technician and it is tested to find if there is a bacterial growth in it. The fecal colors, flora growth in the gut, pH levels, mucus or even pus are checked in the stool. If it is infected with bacteria then it indicates that you have the leaky gut syndrome. This stool analysis is done to diagnose various other intestinal problems too. Always remember that all these leaky gut tests should be carried out only by medical or lab assistants and you should consult a doctor once the tests are done.
If you are diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome, never leave it unattended. A doctor or a health care practitioner will treat you the right way and a proper diet can quicken the healing process. Eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water so that all the toxins are flushed out and keep your digestive system clean and healthy.
Do you need to find out if you have leaky gut syndrome?
Karen Brimeyer’s new Leaky Gut Cure program is a powerful solution to your problems if you suspect you may have a leaky gut. Want to know the 7 worst foods you eat daily that could be making your symptoms worse?


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