Thursday, December 11, 2014

How to Test for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Ever thought of what the food we eat does to our body? Many think it gives us a lot of strength and makes us healthy.
True, but the real fact is that only good food can keep us healthy and in the right condition.
Poor eating habits and the wrong food can take a toll on the digestive system and you need to spend lot of money treating it. Out of all these disorders our body can face, a leaky gut can be extremely irritating and if it is not treated in time it can get serious.
Our intestines do the job of filtering food and toxins and it prevents the penetration of harmful toxins in to our blood stream. A leaky gut cannot perform its duty and it allows all toxins to enter in to the circulatory system.
That is when the real trouble starts. But a common gastric trouble and a leaky gut have similar symptoms and it is very difficult to differentiate and diagnose.
There are many Leaky gut tests that reveal if you are affected by the leaky gut syndrome or not. They are not accurate but can give you an indication of the condition of your gut.
The first kind of a test is a skin test in which a few kinds of foods are put on your skin and the reactions are observed. People who are allergic to foods are usually the ones who contract the leaky gut syndrome and the food will show you if you are allergic. If the skin remains normal, then you can relax but if it shows reactions and if you find rashes or allergy then you need to see a doctor.
The leaky gut tests are done in medical labs under the supervision of a medical laboratory assistant or a doctor. The intestinal permeability test is taken by a technician and before you give your urine samples, you need to fast for over 8hrs and then take the test.
This popular test is done on the basis of lactulose and mannitol absorption. A healthy and a clean gut usually absorbs the mannitol and it flushes out all the lactulose content. But a leaky gut will take in lactulose and leave the mannitol content in to the body.
Out of the many leaky gut tests, this is the most accurate of all and it can prove that you are affected by leaky gut syndrome. The test should be done under the guidance of a technician or a doctor but there are kits available also. If you are confident about using them, you can proceed with the test.
Another one is the stool analysis where your stool is collected by a technician and it is tested to find if there is a bacterial growth in it. The fecal colors, flora growth in the gut, pH levels, mucus or even pus are checked in the stool. If it is infected with bacteria then it indicates that you have the leaky gut syndrome. This stool analysis is done to diagnose various other intestinal problems too. Always remember that all these leaky gut tests should be carried out only by medical or lab assistants and you should consult a doctor once the tests are done.
If you are diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome, never leave it unattended. A doctor or a health care practitioner will treat you the right way and a proper diet can quicken the healing process. Eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water so that all the toxins are flushed out and keep your digestive system clean and healthy.
Do you need to find out if you have leaky gut syndrome?
Karen Brimeyer’s new Leaky Gut Cure program is a powerful solution to your problems if you suspect you may have a leaky gut. Want to know the 7 worst foods you eat daily that could be making your symptoms worse?

Treating Leaky Gut Naturally

 Click here to download free e-booksA large percentage of the population suffer from leaky gut syndrome but very few are able to actually diagnose it correctly.
Many associate it with regular intestinal problems or bowel irregularities and do not look for the correct cure to treat it.
While medicinal treatment is available to seal a leaky gut, it is also true that most of the prescribed medicines treat the symptoms rather than curing the actual disease.
Drugs just help to mask the symptoms while ravages continue inside the intestine and the condition strikes back with full force once the treatment is stopped.

The adverse side-effects of the drugs are another thing to consider if you are thinking of a medicinal treatment. Health experts agree that treating leaky gut naturally is the best thing that you can do to shove out this disease from your body and lock the doors to it for good.
A Better Diet
The first essential that a natural treatment adheres to while treating leaky gut is to holistically create a gut environment which is friendly, favorable and relaxing. And the primary step in this is to modify your food habits. Restructure your diet plan to make it healthy and balanced. Chuck out all junk and processed food from your platter.
Replace them with balanced portions of carbohydrate, protein and vitamins. Fresh fruit, green leafy veggies, fresh fish, lean meat and food containing natural vitamins can restore health back to your intestine. A food rich in fiber ensures that toxins and micro-organisms are eliminated from your body and your immune system stays fine.
Anti-oxidants also have a positive influence on the body as they exhibit a tight control on the free radicals which love playing havoc in the body.
Make a list of harmful foods that are not supposed to be included in your diet and stick it in a visible place in your kitchen. The list must contain white and starchy foods like white flour, empty calories like sugar, zero-nutrition foods like baked goodies and cookies, fermented food like alcohol and vinegar, and fungal products like pizza breads, cheese and mushroom.
To cleanse the intestine from the core, a healthy dose of pro-biotic can shove in a host of “friendly” bacteria like intestinal flora and lacto bacillus into your gut which are fast action super products to heal and repair the gut lining. Removing the “unfriendly” ones like yeast and Candida can show immediate results.
Small doses of digestive enzymes which come in plant extracts of spirulina and chlorella, when supplemented with a balanced diet, can work wonders to heal the gut. Natural digestive enzymes can be found in foods like papaya, mangoes, bananas and sprouts.  Apart from these, cod liver oil, fresh garlic cloves, fresh ginger can also help to kill the parasites in the body which work adversely and affect the immune system.
Should I Use Supplements?
Nutritional supplements that contain essential oils are a must if you want to treat a leaky gut naturally. Supplements containing fish oil, flax-seed oil, oil of oregano and evening primrose oil are recommended for a fast and soothing relief. Apart from this, products with L-glutamine and olive leaf extract are known healers for a leaking gut.
This is the final step of treating a leaky gut naturally, as they provide the gut the building blocks for a renewed intestinal layer. They activate natural cell repair and restore the mucosal barrier for locking out any seepage.
When you treat leaky gut naturally with these measures, you are bound to experience a result which is amazing. Your digestive problem will disappear, your energy level will shoot up, your pain will be eliminated and your overall health will improve.

Are you tired of wasting time looking for a proper cure for leaky gut syndrome?
Karen Brimeyer’s new Leaky Gut Cure program is a powerful solution to your problems even if you have chronic symptoms. Want to know the 7 worst foods you eat daily that are making your symptoms worse?

How to Heal a Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome is believed to occur when the intestines become too permeable and lose the ability to filter out various substances. The condition known as leaky gut is associated with a range of symptoms, including chronic digestive pain or upset, depression, chronic fatigue, and skin allergies or rashes. While it is unclear exactly what causes this syndrome, it may be possible to heal a leaky gut if you stop causing damage and work on repairing the damage already done.

Part 1 of 2: Stop Harming Your Gut

1. Know which foods may stress out your gut. Proteins called lectins and phytates can attach themselves to your digestive lining, irritating it and causing damage. These proteins are most commonly found in certain grains, sugar, and dairy.

  • Sprouting and fermenting grains, including wheat, rice, spelt, and soy, are among the most difficult for your gut. Grains that contain gluten can be especially irritating for your gut.
  • Foods containing GMO (genetically modified organisms) tend to be high in lectins and can also inflame your gut.
  • Conventional cow milk contains A1 Casein, which is another protein that can damage your gut. Pasteurization can also destroy enzymes that otherwise help your body digest lactose sugars.
  • Sugar, in general, feeds the growth of yeast and other harmful bacteria. Bad bacteria can create toxins that can slowly eat away at your intestinal walls.

2. Put yourself on a two-week detox. For 14 days, cut anything out of your diet that could cause digestive distress. Consume mild foods and drinks to help calm the inflammation in your stomach and intestines.

  • Stop consuming all foods commonly linked to leaky gut syndrome. Even if some of these foods are not the cause of your problems, eliminating all possible sources will give your body the greatest chance to heal.
  • Drink mostly water during this detox. Avoid sugary drinks or those containing caffeine or alcohol.

3. Cut out the stress. High levels of stress increase the churning of stomach acids and can aggravate a leaky gut. If you want to heal completely, it is very important that you maintain a relatively stress-free environment for at least a few days. After a few stress-free days pass, return to your normal routine and work on ways to minimize stress or relax yourself once stress does come along.

  • Aside from increasing acid secretion, stress can decrease the body's ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. Stress causes your body to increase its heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration, but it also shuts down digestion and natural healing mechanisms.

4. Remove medications and other potential toxins. Antibiotics, alcohol, and some over-the-counter medications all have their place, but if you struggle with a leaky gut, that place is not inside your digestive system. Anything that could throw off the natural bacterial balance of your gut should be cut out while you try to heal.

  • Stop drinking alcohol altogether for at least one month. After that initial month, you can gradually introduce alcohol back into your system, but try to limit your intake to a glass or two every week.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can irritate the stomach when taken on a regular basis, so avoid using them during this time. These drugs include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. When you need a pain reliever, opt for acetaminophen.
  • Antibiotics can be hard on your digestive system, as well, but you should always talk to your doctor before stopping the use of a prescribed antibiotic.

5. Test for intestinal parasites. While somewhat rare, there is a chance that your leaky gut problems are caused or aggravated by a nasty intestinal parasite. Have your doctor perform a stool test to determine if parasites might be a problem.

  • Even though antibiotics and other medications can agitate a leaky gut, if you have a bacterial infection, your body will still heal faster if you remove this underlying problem and work on fixing the damage afterward.
  • Parasites, viruses, and fungi can also cause problems, so make sure your doctor checks for these, as well.

Part 2 of 2: Repair the Damage

1. Eat foods that help your gut. Just as there are foods that can harm your digestive system, there are foods that can help heal it. Foods that aid the digestive process are great, and those that are both soothing and full of easily absorbed minerals are the best.

  • One of the best foods is homemade stock made from chicken, beef, or other meat bones. Bone broth contains soothing gelatin and plenty of minerals.
  • Pasture-raised meats are relatively free of added toxins and packed with nutrients. When cooked slowly, they become tender and are easier to digest.
  • Consume plenty of healthy fats. Natural fats like olive oil, non-hydrogenated coconut oil, organic butter, and other organic animal fats are usually good. Avoid processed and refined polyunsaturated fats, which are commonly found in junk food, corn oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil, and soybean oil.
  • Fermented and cultured foods help balance the bacteria in your gut. Yogurt and kefir are good options, but fermented vegetables, preserved fruits, and chutneys are other beneficial examples.
  • Sprouted seeds, including chia seeds and flaxseeds, offer a healthy dose of fiber that can help restore the bacterial balance of your gut. If you have a severe, painful leaky gut, however, you may want to start by getting fiber from vegetables and fruit.

2. Chew your food slowly and completely. Simply put, allowing your teeth to break down more of your food will minimize the amount of work your stomach will have to do. As a result, your gut gets undergoes less stress and will have less cause for inflammation.

3. Introduce probiotics. Probiotics can be taken in supplemental or dietary form. These helpful bacteria can assist your digestive system, restoring the natural and healthy balance of bacteria inside it.

  • "Good" bacteria is necessary for digestive health because it prevents bad bacteria from growing out of control.
  • While actively trying to heal your gut, take a dose between 25 and 100 billion units a day.
  • After you heal your leaky gut, you can maintain stable amounts of probiotics by consuming probiotic-rich yogurt on a daily basis. Fermented foods like sauerkraut can also help balance the bacteria in your gut in a similar manner, so including more of these foods in your diet can also help.

4. Include plenty of omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acid can also be taken as part of your diet or as a dietary supplement. It can fight inflammation, so it may help soothe the inflammation already present in your stomach and intestines.

  • Fish oil supplements are an easy way to get a daily dose of omega-3. Follow the label instructions to determine the best amount for your system.
  • Alternatively, you can obtain omega-3 naturally by eating fatty fish, like salmon.

5. Correct the damage with a series of other natural supplements. There are numerous natural dietary supplements that are believed to help restore a damaged digestive system. Familiarize yourself with each one and determine which might be the best for your needs.

  • L-Glutamine is one of the most helpful supplements. This amino acid is believed to help the lining of your gut regrow, thereby filling any holes previously caused. Try taking 3 to 5 grams per day.
  • Digestive enzymes are plant-based or microbial-based and help your gut break down and absorb macro nutrients. Follow the label for dosage instructions and take them alongside meals to ease the stress on your intestines.
  • Betaine hydrochloride (HCL) increases the acidity in your gut, making it easier for your system to digest proteins and other rough nutrients. Take 650 mg after finishing one-third of your meal. If you experience heartburn, discontinue use. If you do not have any heartburn, continue using it daily.
  • Slippery elm helps stimulate the nerve endings in your intestinal tract. As a result, your system produces more mucus, which coats the lining of your stomach and gut, thereby preventing further acid damage.
  • Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) and marshmallow root also maintain the mucus lining of the stomach, adding further protection.
  • Caprylic acid is a fatty acid obtained from coconut oil. It has antiviral and antifungal properties and can help combat problems with yeast overgrowth.

6. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can make it difficult for your intestines to pass waste products, causing further inflammation. Drink around eight 8-oz (250-ml) glasses of water per day to fully hydrate your system and give your digestive tract a boost.

  • Even though many other drinks will help hydrate you, water is the best source, especially while trying to heal yourself. Drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine should be avoided, along with those that contain high concentrations of sugar.
  • Electrolyte drinks can also be consumed, but avoid ones that include a lot of added sugars.

7. Sleep. Your body's natural healing processes are strongest while your body rests. Try to get a full eight hours of sleep each night, especially during your initial recovery stage.

  • During waking hours, your body's resources are divided and spread out over more tasks. While you sleep, your body can concentrate its energy on healing and balancing itself.


Consult a professional. Talk to a doctor, nutritionist, or other professional for a specialized treatment plan. Everyone has slightly different needs, so talking with a professional medical practitioner is the best way to form a plan that will work for you.

Be patient and persistent. You won't be able to heal a leaky gut overnight, but if you maintain healthy habits for several weeks or months, most damage can be undone.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Leaky Gut Diet – 6 Tips To Kickstart The Healing Process

Are you confused about what foods to eat on a leaky gut diet?
Are you bombarded with too much diet information that you don’t know what to do?
Does it not matter what you eat, you still suffer from the effects of Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Odds are you need a complete diet overhaul.
Whether you love to stay in and cook or go out to your favorite restaurant, I’ll help you with what you should be eating to overcome leaky gut. But if you do like to enjoy a restaurant or two, you’ll want to check out my leaky gut restaurant tips so that you can eat out without having to worry about the negative effects of eating what is on your fork.
So let’s get to it and look at 6 great leaky gut diet tips that you can start using today to start getting relief from your symptoms.

1. Stick to a Diet of Whole Foods

Your diet should consist primarily of fresh meat and vegetables with the addition of limited whole grains, nuts, seeds, and fresh fruits. Animal protein is a must. Stay away from processed and packaged foods that contain lots of fillers and hidden ingredients that may be driving your symptoms or conditions.

2. Adjust Your Food Ratios

We are all genetically and ethnically different. Some of us do better with higher protein and others with higher carbohydrates in our diet. Some do best with an equal balance. You want to find your optimal food ratio. Don’t worry, it sounds harder than it really is.
Start by testing both ends of the spectrum. Start with a meal of primarily meat and less vegetables. How did you feel afterwards? Then on the next day, try a meal with mostly vegetables, some meat, and a small amount of grains. How did you feel afterwards? Take the food ratio that you felt best with and then fine tune it from there. After you fine tune, you now have your proper food ratios that you should stick for all the meals.

3. Cook Your Veggies

When dealing with intestinal permeability, your digestion is impaired and raw uncooked vegetables can be hard to digest. It is best to cook them thoroughly to help assist your body to properly digest them. In fact, a good leaky gut diet should focus primarily on foods that are easy to digest.

4. Stay Away From Common Food Allergies

If you suffer from intestinal permeability, then you also suffer from food allergies. They both go hand in hand and are one of the most commonly overlooked Leaky Gut Syndrome treatment steps. You want to stay away from these foods and other foods that contain them. Often times, avoiding these foods alone is enough to alleviate many of your chronic symptoms. Your diet should be designed to eliminate these common food allergies so that you can properly heal and won’t have to avoid them forever.

Just a Few Common Leaky Gut Diet Food Allergies

  1. Gluten found in wheat, rye, and barley
  2. Milk products found in milk and cheese
  3. Soy found in Tofu, vegetable oil, salad dressings, etc
  4. Sugar found in most processed foods
But your food allergies are not limited to these items alone. You typically become allergic to many of the foods you commonly eat. Determining your food allergies is easy with the Leaky Gut Cure program I have put together.

5. Cut Out the Baked Goods, Cookies, and Pastries

These products are often made entirely of white flour and sugar. These are two ingredients that are found on the list above and should be avoided. They contain no nutritional value and actually strip your body of much needed nutrients. But don’t worry though, there are many great natural and healthy desert recipes that are allowed and encouraged.

6. Switch Over to Natural Sea Salt

All of the studies that show the adverse affects of salt were done on toxic and processed white table salt. But you’re not going to use that stuff on your leaky gut diet. Sodium chloride (salt) is a very important element required for your body to function properly.
A good quality Natural Sea Salt has natural trace minerals and is in the form that your body can use best. It is not bleached nor does it contain any toxic anti-caking agents. Throw out your fake and processed salts (ie Morton’s). New Zealand Pacific or Celtic Sea Salts are a great choice. If you have any question about your sea salt, you’ll know you have the right stuff because it won’t be white. Instead it will have pigment like gray or pink.
These simple yet great diet tips alone can take you a long way in getting relief from your chronic symptoms. This is because diet is the foundation of health. That is the primary factor as to why my holistic approach to healing gets such amazing long term success.
My program is designed to optimize your leaky gut diet to take your results to the next level and get rid of your symptoms and conditions for good.
 Click here to download free e-books

7 Safe and Natural Ways to Improve Sleep

We all need our beauty sleep, myself included. This is true especially in today’s fast paced society where sleep tends to be put on the back burner so that you can meet a deadline, watch a TV show, answer emails, etc.
But few truly understand the physiological importance of sleep. There are much more imposing implications to a lack of sleep than how beautiful you appear or how sharp you mind functions.
During your sleep cycles is when your body is most efficient at repairing damaged cells, including those cells that comprise your intestinal lining. And disrupting this natural healing process can stop even your best efforts of healing Leaky Gut.
In fact, your circadian rhythm dictates this healing process and typically between the hours of 10pm to 2am you body facilitates physical repair. And during the hours of 2am to 6am your body facilitates mental repair.
With that being said, here’s 7 safe and natural ways to improve your quality of sleep and help bring your health to new levels.

Heal Your Leaky Gut

When it comes to sleep, Leaky Gut and intestinal inflammation play a much larger role than you can probably imagine. In fact, most people don’t realize it but the majority of the neurotransmitter serotonin, your body’s natural antidepressant, is produced inside your gut.
When there’s inflammation present and you can no longer efficiently produce the necessary serotonin, you often see heightened anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders because your brain does not have the necessary chemicals it needs to function properly.
And no, it’s not just all in your head like your doctor may want you to think.
But when your serotonin levels are low, it negatively affects your sleep.

Diet, Diet, Diet

First and foremost, if you’re not eating the right diet for you then you will likely have sleep issues at some point in time. This is because a poor diet leads to problems with blood sugar stabilization and regulation.
And when you sleep at night and go for so long without eating it’s quite common for your body to become hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) since your body relies on the food you eat to maintain this balance.
And because your body must regulate your blood sugar levels in order for you to function and survive, your body will wake you up in order to persuade you to eat and raise your blood sugar levels back up to normal.

Get Some Sun

Some people’s sleep issues stem from a deficiency in the hormone melatonin. This might stem from a deeper serotonin deficiency which is common with Leaky Gut Syndrome as mentioned above. Or your body might not be converting the serotonin you do have into melatonin efficiently.
Regardless of your sleep, you should be getting at least 30 minutes of sunlight per day which is necessary for you overall health and wellbeing. But this 30 minutes of sunlight will also help stimulate your pineal gland which is responsible for producing the melatonin you need for sleep.

Avoid Alcohol

Aside from the fact that alcohol creates inflammation within your gut and is one of the many contributing causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome, it does have an effect on your sleep as well.
Alcohol consumption affects your brain in such a way that does not allow you to reach a deep level of REM sleep which is necessary for psychological repair and to keep you thinking sharp and straight.

Put Down the Remote

Odds are that you’ve become accustomed to watching TV at night. Many people are, so you’re not alone. But you have to understand that even though you’re sitting there in your lazy-boy, your brain is being hyper-stimulated by the constant flashing and changing of scenes on the TV screen. And this hyper-stimulation elicits a stress response within your body.
And to make matters worse, you watch the news before bed where you learn about all the horrible things that are wrong in the world. And after all of this, you try to fall asleep while fearing for your life at the same time.
By simply cutting out your TV time and stop watching the news, your brain will not be over-stimulated which can help alleviate stress or stimulation related sleep issues.

Avoid Caffeine

This should go without saying but so many people are having coffee after dinner or for dessert. But with coffee containing caffeine, a natural stimulant, it can have lasting effects through the night if taken too late in the day.
So be sure to never drink coffee after 3pm.

Dim the Lights at Night

Your body is designed to function based upon the natural rhythms of your day. When the sun comes up, it stimulates cortisol production in your body which in turn wakes your body up from sleep naturally.
And throughout your day to when the sun sets, your cortisol levels taper off which puts your body back into a relaxed state and preparing you for sleep.
But when your house is brightly lit at night, this can promote your body to continue to produce cortisol while it should be suppressing it. And this can be enough to keep you up at night.
So dim your lights at night to help lower your cortisol levels and make your sleep easier.
 Click here to download free e-books

Leaky Gut Diet – Restaurant Tips

Just because you need to stick to your leaky gut diet plan doesn’t mean that you have to lock yourself in your home in fear of eating the wrong the thing. But that is exactly what I did when I discovered that I had leaky gut.
After I discovered my underlying gut problem I spent years being so afraid of food that I refused to eat out at any restaurant in fear of eating something that would trigger my symptoms. Living in fear of food is not living at all and I don’t want you to follow that same path.
You can still enjoy getting out of the house and eating at restaurants. You just have to be a little more careful about what you order. It isn’t that hard, it just takes a little getting used to.
Follow these simple rules and you won’t have worry about or wonder what you’re eating and whether or not it will impact your chronic symptoms.
Leaky Gut Diet Restaurant Tips
1. Stick to Meat and Vegetables
Meat and vegetables should make up the bulk of your leaky gut diet so it is best to stick with them when eating at a restaurant as well. Look for fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and lamb menu items. These menu items typically served with vegetables. Make sure you are getting an adequate amount of protein. Try to stick to less starchy vegetables like ordering a sweet potato instead of a white potato.
2. Get it Grilled, Poached, or Sautéed
When ordering your meat it is best to order it grilled, poached, or sautéed. Many restaurants fry their foods in trans-fats and/or vegetable oil which cause massive amounts of inflammation and should be avoided at all costs.
3. Forget the Bread and Pastas
Our culture has become very accustomed to bread and pasta with every meal. Restaurants love to give them to you because they are cheap filler foods with no real nutritional value. When avoiding gluten, these foods should be avoided. Don’t be afraid to ask the waiter/waitress to not bring the complimentary bread basket so it doesn’t become tempting.
4. Don’t be Afraid to Ask or Order Off Menu
If you aren’t sure how a particular dish is prepared, then ask the waiter/waitress. Food allergies are a big issue and liability for restaurants so if they don’t know, they should go to the kitchen and get the answers for you. Also, don’t be afraid to order something that isn’t on the menu. If you want something simple like a grilled chicken breast with vegetables, almost any restaurant will accommodate you.
5. Watch Out for Hidden Gluten
Hidden flours are in many menu items. They are typically used as a thickening agent for sauces and flavorings. Stay away from thick, creamy, and cheese sauces as much as possible.
6. Nicer Restaurants = Better Ingredients
Nicer restaurants know that better and fresher ingredients taste better. They typically use organic ingredients as much as possible. They also typically cook in healthier oils that don’t go rancid. Nice restaurants will never sacrifice quality for price.
7. Pass on the Alcohol
Alcohol is one of the driving factors behind intestinal permeability. Because of this, it should be avoided entirely on your leaky gut diet. You should love yourself enough to not give into the peer pressure. Odds are if you are out with others who are heavy drinkers, there is a good chance that they are suffering from chronic symptoms as well but they just aren’t ready or willing to deal with them yet.
Now that you have your leaky gut diet restaurant tips in hand you can enjoy a night out on the town without having to sacrifice your health or gut healing process.
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out these leaky gut diet tips to help you kick start the gut healing process.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Leaky Gut Syndrome Diagnosis

Leaky gut syndrome is when the lining of the small intestines becomes permeable. As a result, undigested food and other foreign substances can enter the bloodstream and cause a number of problems. This condition is more highly recognized among natural medicine practitioners but is gaining more acceptance with mainstream doctors.

The Physiology of Leaky Gut

The small intestines has naturally large spaces in between the cells. Microvilli are aligned along the mucus membranes to aid in digestion along with "friendly" bacteria. Yeast overgrowth can cause the mucus membranes to flare up and produce excess mucus. This hinders the microvilli and bacteria with proper digestion. As a result, the yeast erodes and eventually punctures the delicate lining of the small intestines. This allows undigested food, toxins and even invading foreign bacteria to enter the bloodstream. These substances eventually overload the liver, recycle in the body and cause many miserable symptoms and diseases.


Most natural doctors and allergists start with a patient's symptoms when diagnosing a potential leaky gut problem. Symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, gastritis, recurring yeast infections, food allergies, sensitivities to chemicals, joint and muscle pain and even chronic diarrhea. Food and chemical allergies are a telltale sign that one probably has a leaky gut, as are the onset of most autoimmune diseases (e.g., fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome).

Evaluation of Diet and Environment

The alternative medicine specialist will attempt to diagnose leaky gut by evaluating a patient's lifestyle, including diet, certain medicines and the home and work environment. The specialist will try to identify key culprits, including an overuse of antibiotics, birth control pills and corticosteroids. Other culprits may be a poor diet, chronic stress, overexposure to household cleaners and chlorinated water consumption. Any number of these culprits can cause leaky gut syndrome.

Systemic Candidiasis

After studying a patient's symptoms and personal habits, the natural doctor will determine if systemic candidiasis is the underlying problem. Candidiasis is an overproduction of candida albicans in the large intestines. Candida albicans is a diploid fungus that lives naturally in one's colon. A poor diet or too many antibiotics can spur this reaction, which weakens a person's immune system. Excess candida in the colon can cause a similar reaction of candida albicans in the small intestines, which causes leaky gut to occur.

Recommended Treatment
The treatment for leaky gut usually include dietary changes and detox programs. One may need to eat foods that contain no gluten or sugar. Detox programs include juicing with vegetables, taking probiotics and digestive enzymes and even colon cleanses. The goal is to eliminate the systemic yeast so the leaky gut heals.